Monday, May 14, 2007

Where is everyone going?

Rumor has it that another police officer from Red Oak was offered to resign or get fired. That's right, "Good O' Boy" Tom resigned. And what is so funny is that he helped start the association that decided to let him go. He showed up on a call over the weekend in his own personal car with his buddy Ben's campaign posters on it. Shame, shame, shame, Tom you would think that you would know that you could not do that. I guess things are not going to well for him.
First, he comes in and acts like he is everyone's friend, he becomes buds with Ben. He comes up with the association idea, they come up with the letter, convince everyone to sign or else. Ben and Tom think that with Fullerton and Anderson gone, that Tom will get promoted to Chief. That does not happen and the department starts falling apart. Everyone thought the grass would be greener on the other side. Now what? They got rid of Fullerton, Anderson and now Tom. Where is everyone going and why? What started all of this? Maybe we should ask the ones that started it...any answers Ben and Casey? Was Tom losing his job part of your big plan?
All for the sake of keeping your seat on the council. Well it looks like what went around is coming back around. I would watch out, you never know when it's your turn.